"Tis the Season of the Holiday Card! Now I won't lie, I love this time of year. It seems like every day there is a new greeting from a far away friend in my mailbox. For my distant friends and relatives, its fun receiving photo cards so I can see how their familes have grown and changed in the last year. And I will admit that I have a photo box in my closet with several year's worth of photo cards!
I also enjoy seeing what types of designs appeal to my friends and family. Most of the time when I see a card I think, "Yep, that looks like the Jones Family!" but sometimes people choose designs that catch me off guard. And this is true for the Kardashians.
This morning I stumbled upon the Kardashian Holiday Card for 2011. Don't get me wrong, the photography is stunning but the image itself doesn't say holiday to me. At all. In fact, my first impression with the over-exaggerated contrast was that it was the Addams Family Christmas Card.
Now I am not saying you have to have a red and green card that screams "HAPPY HOLIDAYS!", but this card made me more depressed than holiday inspired. But it goes to show you that everyone has different tastes and its up to your designer to present those tastes to your holiday card list. The 3-D component is very cool, but I wonder how many people have 3D glasses lying around.
I am sure tons of people think this is the coolest card, but it looks more like a advertisement than a holiday photo. Then again, this is the Kardashians we are talking about, and everything about them is business!
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Interesting take Hale, thank you for passing this along. While I don't care for the card, it suits the K Clan well. No coincidence I don't care for them either. The women are coming across as masculine while the men are bring treated as accessories. There is no focal point for the eye to settle on and the archways look like the nipples on a baby bottle. Dislike.